I want to order
how much ? what is the cost? 本帖最后由 保利山 于 2013-6-13 23:48 编辑银的啊! 最好可以使用支付宝,方便支付
国外的话,邮寄,会比较麻烦,这一点还请知晓。保持qq在线,手艺师傅会和你联系的。 哦,对,银质的花,300会很细,6cm估计达不到,楼主是想要不锈钢的吧? how much is the stainless steel? bink0 发表于 2013-6-16 15:54 static/image/common/back.gif
how much is the stainless steel?
316l 椭圆, 200rmb 一只 can you delete this post? i will submit another order with the actual measurements again thank you